

Images of you in my head,
After our one-time-meet.
I used to believe you're only a pic
But now you seem like reality.

I don't know what you've done.
I don't understand how you did it ,
But there's something new about me.
Honestly, I kinda like it!

Thoughts of you filling my head,
Creates a happy sensation in me.
Recreating your beautiful posture.
Your cute hands in your pocket.

I never imagined I'd feel this way
But I didn't want to be caught unawares
So I kinda prepared, now I realise
I didn't prepare enough!

Your beautiful white teeth,
Created your shy smile,
Accompanied by a deep subtle voice.
You helped to discover this me!

You've been dying to meet me, I heard.
Caught you stealing glances, I guess.
Even if I dare to imagine,
I hope you'll guide my imaginations

I sound crazy but I'm not sorry.
I didn't believe in connecting with a stranger,
But you somehow changed my norms.
Even the one about deformities!

I don't know you, but now I want to
I don't mind being your girl, and you my man
I don't know what you've done
But honestly, I Like It!!
© Queen Ova