

The slide
Do you hear the cycle spins?
That vicious loop again begins

the winding spiral ever so familiar to me
no way out except descent

Panel by panel the slide does go
Down to the abyss below

i don't think there's a bottom
maybe I've just fallen through it

Falling falling it's boring now
No easy way up or way back out

and yet I'm here on the sanity slide
it's nobody's fault, it's just my turn to ride

A bump and a jolt interrupt my disdain
The doctors said they would keep me sane

no brakes on this slide
just acceptance and glide

Is there a bottom?
Do I even want to know?
Down in that darkness?
Nowhere to go?
Do I claw my way out?
Will my grip fail and fall?
What am I climbing? there's no ladder or wall

Can I slow down?
Yes, but it's hard
It's tiring, depleting and all hope is marred

it's painful to grip the slide
it would be so easy to let go
but that won't help
you keep holding and hope

fingertips burning the friction amounts

riding and sliding and gripping and crying and fearing and hiding and failing and trying and


There is no slide
That abyss is gone
You're sat on a floor
Gifted rung by rung
You ascend with a smile and maybe a laugh
but you know as you climb
you're on your way back
© 🐧

#depression #mentalhealth #selfcontrol #fear #trapped #desperate #help