

Tweaked Hope
I found it hard to fall asleep,
With hopes still stuck in the clouds
When would I get to receive,
The things I've dreamed about
Like steam evaporating from a stream,
And condensing above my head
My hopes had I set so high and,
I was so confident in what was upheld
Cloudy with a chance of good luck,
Counting my wins through my belief
I had it in mind, the system was GIGO,
Unknown to me the gears were rigged
It was going to be a heavy down pour,
And I chose not to be clothed
I forgot that for whatever ascends,
Must by gravity in due time be deflected
It didn't matter how it went in,
But the form it returned back to earth
Carefree and without a form of doubt,
I got bruised waiting for what I didn't expect
Hurting me by it's thunderous fall,
Cause I had predicted the unexpected
I stood with my face to the sun waiting,
For gems but I got brimstones instead.

© Cogua