

The Kid Who Stole From Me
*poem read better if read in the voice of a whining toddler*

That kid over there...

That kid

that kid he called me a name!
He took from me
Then he threw it to the sand

And now
He teased me.
he's teasing me!
Told me I'm a mama's boy
because I won't let go of your hand
Because your hugs and kisses, I still enjoy

And Mommy look!
Mommy look!
Now he's playing with all my little things

and I know I only met him yesterday when you took me to play but now he's saying he doesn't want to be my friend or anything

And Mama

Mama I don't understand
I just don't understand
Why his mama didn't give him a toy like me
so that we could play together today
but all he wants to do is be so mean

Son, my dear
In this life
You will have things taken.
And those taken
You may still receive

You'll cry some days
And others

No tears will hit your seams.

There may even be days
were you out right lose all your toys

Flat out just simply lose all track of things.
But that is ok. I want to teach you it's ok.
You will be fine and do you know why?
Because part of growing up is losing parts of you

and still having only yourself on to lean.