

How long?
How long should I put up my fake smile?
Pretend all is fine and laughing.
Im tired
Exhausted,unable to handle everything all at once:
Sick of failures,
Sick of being a disappointment.
I see my whole life fading,
Right infront of my eyes.
What can I do?
Just sit and see it fade.
I tried to suppress it
But couldn't control it
What will I do?
Where should I go?

I messed up
I messed up
Literally destroyed me
I messed up
I messed up

I messed up
I messed up
I messed up
I want to cry
But the tear too doesn't want to meet me
Unable to cry
Unable to scream
Unable to shout
It's a bit too much

All I need is a long hug
and someone say
"It'll be alright
Im proud of you
You've come a long way
Everytime you thought of quitting
You didn't.
You kept moving on
You'll make it someday
I beleive in you"

I've got to say this to myself and put back the fake smile on😀
© @broken_piece