

Our Ranks
I rank among the weak
Where rank means nothing much
But simply a way to belittle us
Because the lot of us are meek

I rank among the weird
The socially akward
Overbearingly queer
The ones none can notice
Even when they are there

I rank among the sweet
The easily exploited
And accustomed to defeat
Because we'd rather help another rise
Than step on their feet

I rank among the outranked
The outlaws
Where the word rank
Is simply but a clause
In a simply flawed...
Social contract

Ranked by our outlook
Where we grew up
Our achievements
No one really likes a screw up

So its mask after mask
Shelving our true selves
Along with our pasts
That our priests keep bringing up
On Sunday mass
Or Saturday
Or Monday ..whichever day of the week
....you get into it
Ahhh the rhyme scheme
Didn't mean to ruin it
..but these are more than words

They are the lights to the fact that..
We may never be rid of ranks
But maybe ....just perhaps,
That's not such a bad thing at all.