

🤍🎉🎄Merry Christmas 🎄🎉🤍
Merry Christmas
To all those who stayed
To all those who went through hardships this year
But who conquered and prayed
Merry Christmas to life and passions so true
Merry Christmas to the love we spread
And the oceans so blue
Merry Christmas to seeing life in a new lens
And striving to keep going
And seeing the beauty that never ends

Merry Christmas to all who embrace all the light
Merry Christmas to kindness and meaning in life
While both good and bad exist
We'll embrace nothing but good
On this very night
And we'll treasure the memories made from this day
We'll sing songs of joy and let our inner child play
And while dry any tear
And get ready to move forward
Into a new happy year
We'll pick ourselves up and continue to inspire
Resilience and miracles formed within the fire

Merry Christmas to those on this journey
From now on, we'll live in the moment
And cease all the worry
Life will always go on
And we'll always sing this song
So Merry Christmas you beautiful, kind soul
Please know that with your life
You have all control

🤍🎄 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone!!! I hope everyone has the best of days and a wonderful new year. Thank you so much for being here and reading my poetry. I'm grateful for everyone who's read, followed, liked, and read ant of my poetry. Thank you for it all. Lookingofeward to a wonderful new year. We got this. Have a great holiday to anyone celebrating🎄🤍 Wishing everyone the very, very best🤍🎉🫶🏻

© Sierra321