

Black is beautiful
I see sweat trickle down her neck
with a baby on a back water she begs
she tells her baby you are gonna be great
you will nuture people of a great race
you are beautiful she tells him
as if in understanding he beams
don't ever be ashamed to be black
the beauties of life you will not lack
nature in all it's grace chooses you
melanin flows strongly in you
you my child is an epitome of beauty and grace
you will always win the race
my sweat on you shall never be in vain
your glory shall never be denied or delayed
your colour makes you to stand out
your beauty shall the world find out
wars shall rage but you must never back down
you are a king you will feed other nations
you will surely face oppositions
but not withstanding your condition
you shall summount all operations
today the baby is a full grown man
all the prophecies of his mother came to pass
I marvel as I watch all this unfolding in my memory
black is indeed beautiful
I am black
you are black
we are black
I am proudly black