

🌈The first moment at heaven
When first I opened my eyes,
Mallicious it all seemed,
Beauty had just whispered in my ears
"Welcome to the Heaven".

I stepped forward,
A girl was seen running towards me,
I stood shocked ,
Couldn't believe my sight !

She hugged me tightly,
I broke into tears,
My own daughter,
Who had left me unseen on earth.

A woman I saw behind her running,
As beautiful as my wife,
I hugged her so tight ,
Drought acquired our eyes .

My wife just wingled around me,
Our daughter is so brave,
She had faced death on a leg,
Fate of her's atlast, didn't last longer!

My mother just called out my name
As she used to be,
Her hands were full of blessings,
And that magical touch alived my soul again !

Following her the way, my father ,
who was a grave man,
For the first time, had tears in eyes,
How aromatic was the feeling !

I met my fam' after so long,
Still the same vibes,
And no change at all,
The difference made —dead soul & alive in memories!

—Durgesh Lokhande
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