

No juice No Spills Stop Dreaming
Write a poem on how to do something mundane most people take for granted, such as how to tie your shoes, how to turn on a lamp, how to pour a cup of coffee.
Oh hold that cup steady
Oh no it spills on the table cloth
And the family is back in the room.
Oh lord. So I get place settings an
put them down hoping no one will
notice. When we all sit down. The
juice that a spilled was leaking threw
the table. And we all wet an I say what
is this. After all these years we got a bad
table I am going to change. And I get
out of there wow that was close. So I go
upstairs and the window is open. I thought I forgot no. The bat came in
And the next thing I know I am looking
for only red juice. And I only want to
be in the night. Oh all because I spilled
the juice now I am a vampire. If I could
go back I would. So my alarm clock goes
of. I wake up. Oh it was a dream thank
goodness. But was it a dream of the things to come so I will not handle juice
this evening oh no. I learned my lesson
in my dreams yeah.
© lashes sullivan