

precious moments
In the hostel's quiet, echoing hall,
A student longed to heed the call,
Of home, of family's loving grace,
To leave behind the study's ceaseless race.

Vacation came, a cherished reprieve,
With family close, he could scarcely believe,
The joy of mummy's warm embrace,
In her love, he found his rightful place.

Together they roamed, from shore to hill,
Creating memories, a heartwarming thrill,
In each adventure, laughter's sweet kiss,
He cherished every moment of unbroken bliss.

But amidst the joy and travels, so grand,
There was one thing he couldn't understand,
A Ludo game, left untouched and still,
A silent challenge, a promise to fulfill.

As the days went by, he knew the truth,
Returning to the hostel, a bittersweet sleuth,
The love of family, the memories they'd shared,
In his heart, a treasure, forever cared.

He'd miss that Ludo game, a tale untold,
A story waiting, in the pieces of gold,
But the love of his family, steadfast and true,
Would remain in his heart, no matter what he'd do.

© @Anuja