

I woke up, saw my body lying down motionless
I couldn't figure out what is happening
Until when I tried to talk to my roommate
Whom just entered the room
But noticed he couldn't hear me,

I tried touching but couldn't feel anything
My mind was shattered to pieces
What is happening? I ask myself in remorse
I tried leaning on the wall but couldn't be supported by it
I penetrated through it like a gamma ray put across flesh

I stammered and stut spasmodically,
Talking with my heart in my mouth
Picking a phone besides me if I could reach out to my mum, whom has always been my basin of solution but couldn't pick it

Outside I go, crying my heart and eyes out
Then came my crying roommate saying he's gone
Only then I realized that I'm no more inhabitant of this world
The thought which send waves of shock through my toe up to my skull
Causing fever of unimaginable gravity

What could become of my loved once, friends, family? I stuttered
What is my destination so I ask myself as I'm trying to gather my trembled soul
The thought of all the good times I had on earth, my families, friends and my unborn children overwhelmed me

I'm just not ready for this! How I wish if I could be given a second chance
But who would I ask? So I question my instincts
So this is it, separated from my loved once
I'm now alone but only accompanied by my deeds which I will always be with.
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