

Dear Inventor
Please invent a god that cares,
the one that rubs your eyes when your tears flood heaven’s kitchen at 2:00am and mops your pain away while making you hot chocolate until you fall asleep.
they should invent a god that wasn't created by men to politicize women’s bodies or promote the injustice of capitalism.
they should invent a god who isn't untouchable,
a god you can stretch and touch to confirm you are not alone.
A god that gives warm hugs and million dollars because you deserve luxury
a god that isn't perfect and doesn't hope you are.
A god that accepts you for being fucked up and says
“There is no flaw in the design”
A god who sings you lullaby in the whistling of storms and brushes your hair after a breakup.
A god that doesn't burn you for being human
A god who stays, a God who wants you to stay.
© Hope