

You love my shadow
You love me!!
No u don't,
What you see now is a cover page of my life story,
Purple, pretty decorated in roses and lilies but deep inside ...lies a dead being, distraction from hell, lies a dry river full of sorrows, deep inside, lies nothing but sadness...you can't love me yet,

Firstly, let me cut myself into pieces for you to have full view of my dullness,
Let me go naked for my scars are more visible when my skin comes face with the sun,
Let me let go of this fake smile coz the refection of the sad end of me lies just beneath this enlarged reded lips,
Let me be what kids back home run away from, a monster.

You can't love me yet,
What you see now is a temporary revised version of me,
A true sad short film,
What you see is just a sentence lacking of meaning,
What you see is so complex that it's just too much to handle,
You can't love nothing when everythings still exist.

© Adelyn Moliepe