

Cosmic and silver lined dreams,
More than a castle in the air,
Crisscrossed shade and sunny gleams,
It's time to disconnect from it and travel somewhere

Beyond the bounds of reality's grip,
In celestial realms, my spirit takes flight,
Seeking solace on a cosmic ship,
Guided by constellations glowing bright.

Through stardust trails, I wander afar,
Unfolding wonders of the vast unknown,
Where nebulae dance and comets spar,
A tapestry of mysteries to be shown.

In distant galaxies, I find my reprieve,
A respite from the chaos of earthly strife,
Where time suspends and worries leave,
And the universe unveils its hidden life.

Silver lined dreams illuminate my way,
As I journey through dimensions untold,
Exploring realms where fantasies play,
And the boundaries of imagination unfold.

So let us venture, let us soar,
Far beyond the limits of mundane,
Discovering realms we've yet to explore,
Where cosmic wonders forever reign.

Disconnect from the world's mundane schemes,
Embrace the magic of the great unknown,
For in cosmic and silver lined dreams,
We find a place where true freedom is sown.
© c.wright