

True Colors Revealed
In times of plenty, they gather near,
Friends abound, with smiles so clear.
But when fortune fades, and money's tight,
True character shines, like a beacon in flight.

Some fade away, like autumn's leaves,
Others remain, through life's ebb and breeze.
For in the depths of need, and want, and strife,
A true friend stands, a shining, guiding life.

So beware, dear heart, of those who cling,
Only when riches flow, and fortune sings.
For when the tide turns, and money's gone,
You'll find the impostors, where did they go?

But cherish those, who through thick and thin,
Stand by your side, with a love within.
For in their eyes, a genuine light shines bright,
A true friend's heart, that guides through life's plight.

So choose wisely, dear one, those you call friend,
For when money talks, their true self will transcend.