

Life lesson in the toughest ones.

There are a life and a death, between this there’s
a beauty and a touch of melancholy.
Sometimes we feel so perfect like the day we always
Dreamed about but sometimes there are days we just
Cannot participate.

In life, we get wish to choose your own way but
Sometimes life doesn’t work this way. we all are Acquainted to this pandemic which just diverted our Journey.
But it’s in the hardest times when you find Out most about yourself and the people around you.

We have discovered idols and role models but this period
Shown us the vision to see the real heroes and now we
Have discovered doctors, police, activist and so on as our
We discovered the way of respect. Respect what?

How strong you can be,
And who truly cares.
The toughest experience
Help create the most
Resilient and beautiful
Souls, and the
strongest bonds.