

Roger J Moore Act 1 Part 1
The sound of the stadium's roar,
Resonates with every four,
Down the pitch,
Over the arm,
Cricket has its own charm,he had a good hit,but he did not score. They lost the game because of poor Roger J Moore.
A tall lengthy lad of maybe 24,he had very little muscle,and was timid and fresh.
He had dirty blonde hair and large front teeth,and often wore red sweaters with little white sheep.
His pants were checkered,yes that lad had style,he wore one brown shoe,and the other foot bare,and in his left back pocket he carried a pink square.

Roger J Moore really had class, or at least he thought so, however everyone else thought he was an ass. He missed that shot in the cricket match,he then fell face first right on a thumb tack...

Later that day at the Ye Ol' Pub,he made an attempt to be charming,and tried flirting with a woman without remiss ,but he tripped and fell forward and landed abreast,on top of a big rugby player named Jess.

Jess was mean and rough and could easily kill a bull,so poor Roger J Moore thought his life was through.

Jess picked Moore up by his front tooth,and flipped him across to the opposite booth,Moore staggered up with a promising grin,and walked toward Jess with a dash and a spin.

Moore said,"Dear Sir,I've taken a fall,you'll have to excuse me,for I am quite small. But if you insist to fight I will follow through..."

Jess, who was quite big,smirked with glee and said,"You're a bloody right fool if you aim to fight me...."

The two men squared off , Jess who stood nearly 6 foot 4,and poor Roger,at a mere 5'11 and three quarters of an inch.....

Roger threw the first punch and missed Jess by a foot,and then the large brute of a man drew the next strike,and knocked poor Roger J Moore down like a kite.

Now there did lay Roger J Moore the lad that did play the big game,but could not score.

All the crowd that gathered finally dispersed, no one did linger,and not a mouse could be heard.

Poor Roger J Moore stood on the floor,dreaming of a wonderful wonderful world.
A world where he made that final score,and won the cricket match ,his name becoming folklore.

A world where he did indeed go to that pub,and knocked Big Jess out with one quick snub.

He later would get that wonderful treat,something that would make his heart skip a beat.

A long boring novel with long twisty words that wrap around long paragraphs that are quite absurd.

Yes that is what are dear fellow did dream,as he lay on that dirty floor which needed a clean.

© dimples5feet3