

by: Roel Mondanao Daito

I grow up in a small family, simplicity is our lifestyle. A face of a weary mother is what I see, yet she tried her best to keep her little ones safe in arms night and day.

I opened up my window, one sunny day. I saw different faces of different creatures on the land they play.

A curious man, went out of curiosity. There he found different faces that day.

Human faces, molded in a clay. They come from different colors, unique in its way.

Faces are made by Him embedded with a smile and one day that smile is gone because you took it away.

Some faces remained happy many are not yes because you took it away. A lonely man sitting on a bench under the rainy day.

I stopped for a moment asking myself "why? " why can't we make people smile when all we want for this world to live in peace?! Can't we just be kind instead of being greedy?! Isn't it so wonderful to live happily in a sunny day?!

Be kind, because it is wonderful to see happy faces in each day. ❤️