

what is to be stupid?
I don't wanna be stupid
I hope you too you don't
but wat is being stupid?

Its when you go to school
and have PhD in healthy
and become a intelligent doctor
who know better how smocking damages life,but he smokes and become addict in smoking and never want to quit.
being stupid its when a man smokes a cigarette written "smoking is hazardous to your healthy" and he lead it and understand it but he still smokes thats stupid

what is stupid?
its when a beautiful young ledy fall in love with old married man, knowingly he can't marry you,he has his own family, you are a side chick but you still find a space in your heart saying I can't live without him..oops!

being stupid is when you become very rich and you buy built mansions to your team girl friends while your parents are sleeping in a very bad looking home and you come on their funeral with a very expensive casket,
thats stupid my dear.
you refuse to visit your relatives when they are fine not sick and you come only when they are sick and asking "what what can I buy for you to eat?"
forgetting this time any food doesn't test good.

stupidity its when you say there is no God.

I urge you to love one another share what you have love you family and friends

thank you

its me TIMVE