

Deafening Silence
I let my silence speak.
All the thoughts that race through me.
All the voices that speak to me.
All the words I cannot write.
All of myself, that I can no longer hide.
In there together, me and myself.
Married and avowed, which feels like forever.
And my silence speaks.
It's deafening when she does.
Often, I drown it in the noise.
And never think of it as a choice.
It talks about the places I have been.
It talks about the movies I have seen.
What about all the music I listen,
Adrenaline rushes, when it was bent by Beckham.
Are they a part of me, or do they make me who I am?
Is it just me, or the factions inside?
At times they soothe and at times they chide.
It talks about birth; it talks about life.
Are we to be happy, or keep winning this endless strife?
The love that we see, and think of it as safe as a lock.
Not all flowers are roses, some are rather a hemlock.
Maybe most are, until you can see!
As a child, I would see them as black and white,
I would see them as good and evil, or maybe dark and bright.
But now I let my silence speak.
I see colours, all of them.
Not so much as black and white.
Shades of grey, all open and wide.
What shade am I? What shade should I try to be?
What should I read? What else do I see?
These marriages, relations and garb of society.
Just nuts and bolts to prolong the dystopian anxiety.
Days, nights and blue lights,
Moans, screams, nails and bites.
And then I close my eyes and let my silence speak.
It talks about the walking dead.
And the people who are hungry and not fed.
It talks about the ruse of alcohol,
Blinding us of our pain and incessant sprawl.
What do I do, with all the toxic masculinity?
Is it all, not just social insanity?
Infants, children dying of hunger and thirst
While we focus on letting her finish first.
So, let’s stop this silence and make some noise.
Let us go out and play with our toys.
Because I can't listen to this silence anymore,
It's deafening, that's for sure.
It's an awakening, that's for sure.
But it's deafening, that's for sure.
I let my silence speak.

#lockdownthoughts #SocialDistancing #lives #emotions #mentalhealth #migrantcrisis #humanity @natehc