

My Choice
Title: My Choice
By EmpressMaire

I choose to smile despite my sadness.
I choose to laugh even though my tears want to fall.
I choose to be strong behind my weakness.
I choose to stand firm for them to know I can be who I am.
I choose to say I'm fine even though I'm about to brake down. That I am hurt.
I choose to feel better, not mind those negativity.
I choose to let them see the rainbow of life, not my darkest side.
I choose to forgive despite my pride.
I choose to respect behind my madness.
I choose to be curious, to create new worlds, to discover something new, to develop my talent and skill. To show in the world that nothing is impossible.
I choose to be who I am.
I choose to wear this mask! The mask of emotions.
I choose God as my foundation, savior, superior, my guide, protector, best friend, father, provider, my life keeper and holder.
