

If you leave
Here I am again thinking about you.

Trying to figure out what is that you want, impossible thing because you don't talk, because you don't tell me.

And I get it, everything happened way to fast and it is a little confusing.

But the only thing that I ask for, is for you to talk to me, for you to tell me what do you want.

So tell me, what are you doing?

Because you aren't leaving, but you don't know if you're staying.

You are right there, in the door.
you don't know if you're going or staying but you don't let others to come in.

So if you are leaving, please go ahead, I'm not going to be mad at you..
I truly hope you the best and wish that you can be genuine happy.

If you choose to stay, just tell me.
And let's talk about how we are going to make this work, cause we don't loose anything giving us a chance.

Instead we can gain the peace, the complicity, the happiness that brings being sure in something.

But don't stay in the middle,
please don't.
Because whit you in the middle, that I can't handel it, you being in the middle I don't want it.

If you're leaving, go ahead leave and take everything with you. All the conversations, all the memories, all the laughs.
Leave, but don't forget to leave the door open, because I know that someone else will come.

If you choose to stay, stay completely, stay for something mutual, for something real.
If you stay, please,
If you choose to stay just closed the door behind you.

#butterfly #women

© EA