

Gentle Giant
In the middle of an oceanic pandemic
this man-made instruments of cruelty
are brothers to be feared among peers;
This cop of protection the same of destruction
like chameleon in changing colours...

Chauvinstic Chauvin chases coloured sons, the same as the judge of the just George…
I can't breathe, was his last breath, gasping for a chance to live in handcuffed hands by these monsters; this gentle giant fall surrounded amongst bystanders like toothless dogs with armless arms...

I can't breathe!!! and my spirit left me
in the hands of my tormentors;
The agony that befalls every me in the hands
of my white peers.
We matters no more like earthworms in sticky muds...
And when justice comes calling, let it serve its full course.

Who has ever associated kindness with a serpent? These racists are throat cutters, the same offsprings in the protection of their pale fathers;
And when justice comes calling, let it serve its full course.
Adieu Floyd!!!
