

The Butchers Bride
The butchers bride met the sailors wife

Eyes so blue her cherished smiles

Her husband to be was a lying cheat

Thought a pretty bride was a great feat

Come wedding day, what did she do

When she heard the whole truth

The butchers bride caught hint of the women's lover

Lo' behold, it was her man to be

His russet eyes, his wrinkled smile

She caught the women asked her what

Was this scene, so peculiar

Women confessed that she had seen

And went along with this treachery

So she could cut up the young bride

Leave her sailor husband

And steal all her gold

And use the young brides fortune

To be rich as she grew old

So what did she do, the bride to be

She gauged the women's eyes

And threw them to the sea

She cut up all the women's hair as well

And threw her to the fishes with glee

What did she do with the hair, a rich gold

She sew on her wedding veil, bright yellow marigolds

What did she do to her butcher husband to have been

Cut up his guts nice and clean

Then threw him along the sailors women

She watched him sink deep in the sea

Then she looked at her Pa and said,

A spinsters life for me!

© Aubrin
Meant to be read in a very sailors life for me type of thing. Just imagined singing this on the deck of a ship or a tavern in a very high fantasy dress.