

Rain drop.
I was riding in the car,
the rain pattered on my window,
Adding a slight rythem to the soft song playing on the speakers,
The window lead in the veiw of the greenery that zoomed past like the past.

The Road we had taken lay in the front leading to an unknown destination.
The rain reduced to a mere patter and the drops made patterns.
They made their way in the opposite direction,
Where the wind outside was pushing them gently,
Or so it seemed.

The heavy big drops spiralled downwards connecting all the small ones and the medium ones and grew in size.
They went down with rapid speed and then disappeared.

I wondered, will that happen to me as well if I indulge in puny, petty things?
I realised that no matter how many things I indulge in I too will have to disappear into an ocean of stars one day.
something made me smile as I saw all five elements of the nature taught me this lesson.