

lonely night
Poem: ~~ Lonely night~~

I'm lonely, I need you to be a spouse.
I don't like to stay lonely,
I can't take the path chosen by others!

But, I can't even take the road not taken.
I'm afraid to be left lonely.
I can't handle lonely nights.

Crying on my bed,
Memorizing you,
your smile and your sparkling looks.

My pillow turns out to be my best mate,
There won't be anyone to hear my silent cries.
But, I'm afraid of the sunshine.

When everything I see, beside me, is your reflection,
Walking with me, everywhere I go,

But, sadly I can't even touch you,
It's hard to feel your presence every time,
Yet, be lonely in the crowd.

Trust me, I can handle a million lonely nights,
But, I need you as soon as I see morning mist till sunrise.

Liberian poet: Topsy.
© topsy ali-muahaha