

Worthy you
In a world, where masks adorn,
And purport becomes the norm,
Be the beacon, shining bright,
In the honesty of your light.

Be real, be true, to thy own self,
Let authenticity be your wealth.
Though others may cast their gaze,
Stay steadfast in your own ways.

Though some may judge with narrow sight,
Their perceptions dimming true light,
Stay steadfast in your inner truth,
For authenticity bears the proof.

Embrace the flaws, the quirks, the grace,
For they paint the portrait of your face.
In a world that often deceives,
Be the one who truly believes.

Let whispers fade and doubts depart,
Embrace the beat of your own heart,
For in the end, it’s what you do,
That shapes the essence of the true you.

In being real, in being you,
A masterpiece, both old and new,
Unveiling layers, bold and free,
In the truth of authenticity

So stand tall, be firm, and never wane,
In the face of judgment, remain untamed,
For being real, being true, is where you’ll find,
The beauty of a soul unconfined.

© Rinki bhardwaj