

The Mysterious Temple 2
Few days back Cloe The Explorer went to a mysterious temple and she found gold, which she gave to the people in need. Cloe decided to visit the mysterious temple in the jungle one more time. Cloe wanted to find out whether she got the gold by luck or is it because she prayed to show a way to help the people in need. She decided to pray something different this time. When she finally reached the temple, Cloe entered the temple and folded her hands and closed her eyes and prayed to help her to find another hidden temple like this in the jungle. When she opened her eyes, the temple was not there. It disappeared. She was just standing in the middle of the jungle. So she started to search for some clues to find out what happened. Then she found a big tree on which something was engraved. It looked like some map. So she copied it on a piece of paper and started walking following the map and finally at the end she found out another hidden temple in the jungle. So she understood that it is indeed a mysterious temple and whatever you pray in the temple will come true. So she went back home and informed the poor people in her village about the secret power of the mysterious temple. So people started visiting that temple and eventually everybody got what they wanted and that small village became a happy and pleasant village.

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