

Unrequited Love
Will my heart ever stop feeling like this when I think about you?
Will it ever become stone cold at the mention of your name?
Will this sadness and pain ever cease to exist?
Your smile used to light up my world
Now all it does is remind me,
That I'm not your world
Your arms used to be my safe haven,
I love how you held me close
Now all your arms does is remind me,
That they'll never wrap themselves around me again
I used to think we were meant for each other,
I found the courage and told you so,
But you took my love and threw it back in my face.
I became a player in a game I wasn't even aware of
With you as the refree,
Handing me the green and red card at whim
I used to ask the universe a question
Will I ever be able to call you mine?
And each time the universe was always silent,
Now I realise, the answer was in her silence.
© Annabelle