

The Silent Cry
My cheeks have soaked the rolling tears,
With my heart hiding all unrevealed fears.
My eyes have absorbed all the moisture,
And my face is no longer reflecting any gesture.

I feel somewhere lost,
As my soul is covered with a melancholic frost,
My head reals,
But I can't find any heal.

There is so much to say but no one to tell,
Only my room walls can hear me yell,
I wish I could scream,
It feels I have just woken up after a bad dream.

Everything seems priceless,
When my heart itself is lying lifeless
My room is only scattered,
But my heart is all tattered.

The sun shines out bright,
And that's when I realized it's no more night
My wet pillow now seems dried,
It's good,
As no one will come to know last night a girl had cried.
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