

no I, in team!!!
As time goes on, people seem to lose focus on what is truly important.

The leader's lead us to the path they believe, instead of what's best for us.

were torn, dragged in so many different directions, not ever knowing, what is next.

nobody seems too want to step up, and take control, and fight for what's right.

Everyone is so busy worrying bout who has what, or how much money they got.

It's almost as if our world has turned an blind eye, to what truly matters most.

were like robot's told what to do, and when too do it. same thing, day in, and day out, just a different day.

Everyone follows the next, don't even question where it leads, good, or bad they keep going.

where is the right's too our freedom, did we forget this is supposed to be a free country here.

we are our own person, and have rights to lead our own direction. everyone sits back and complains.

At the same time, we scream for a change, but sitting down with, no movement, all were doing is staying in place.

demanding thing's, wishing for better, but not doing anything to change it.

nothing will happen if we keep asking, but doing nothing about it, action doesn't happen with no movement.

we as the people are the only ones that can change, what is really going on.

if we all think about the facts, do the math, we have all the control, but one person can't do it all.

it's going to take more than that. we need to all take a stand, come together, and fight back.

could you just imagine if we all came together as a team, instead of turning against one another.

we are doing, and giving them exactly what they want, us all going to war, it takes the focus off what is really going on in this world today.

if we each lead our own path, loved one another, and always had each others back, they would hate to see that happen.

They wouldn't have the upper hand, they wouldn't have no choice but to give what's our back.

Our country, our freedom, love, and peace. what we fought for so long ago, earning our keep.

people are so busy doing others wrong, turning against the other, too see what's really happening.

its time we take back what's ours, stand up and be a team. don't allow the evil force to take us over any longer.

its almost too late, this can't be what all too life, their has too be more.

we deserve better, our children deserve more, I refuse to take my final breath at war, I'm better than that. and so is the rest of you.

its going to take us all to come together, this isnt what life was intended to be, we are supposed to be at peace.

if you aren't going to be a team, and stand up and fight back, then don't keep complaining, and winning about what you don't have.

action behind ones movement, is progress, the facts are there, do your math, change starts with us, we are the only one's who can change this!!!

BY: Elizabeth Smith!!!
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