

Dawn's Embrace
As night's embrace relents its hold,
A glimmer breaks, a story untold.
The horizon blushes, a crimson hue,
As dawn awakens, a promise anew.

From beneath the celestial shroud,
The sun emerges, bold and proud.
Casting golden rays upon the scene,
A symphony of light, serene and keen.

The darkness scatters, shadows flee,
Making way for a tapestry.
The slumbering world awakens slow,
To greet the dawn's celestial glow.

Birds soar high with joyful cries,
As nature's chorus greets the skies.
The dew-kissed leaves, emerald and bright,
Reflect the sun's radiant light.

The dewdrop's pearl, a sparkling gem,
Adorns the grass's verdant hem.
It captures rainbows in its embrace,
A fleeting beauty, a moment's grace.

The night's long vigil, a distant dream,
As dawn's embrace fulfills the gleam.
The weary traveler, heart renewed,
Welcomes the light, a solace imbued.

With every step, the world unfolds,
A canvas painted with stories untold.
The rising sun, a guiding star,
Illuminates the path, near and far.

In dawn's embrace, we find our way,
A new beginning, a brighter day.
The long night's trials, a bittersweet past,
As we embrace the light, our future unsurpassed.

So let us bask in dawn's ethereal glow,
And savor the beauty that it bestows.
For in its warmth, we find our voice,
As we rise with the sun, a radiant choice.
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