

He Always Been There
The Flood
Sodom and Gomorrah
The Apple
Hint Hint
Do these words mean something
All were punishment
Why because we disobeyed
Once in The Garden
Once in two cities
Once in the world
Each time
The punishment was worse
Does that give you a Hint
Is humanity that ignorant
Or arrogant
Or egotistical
That you think God isn’t in charge
That he can’t punish you
So you continue to do what you do
Rape, Killing, Rob, Cheat ,Abuse
And much more
It’s what you do
If you didn’t get the Hint
Let me tell you again
The Flood
Sodom and Gomorrah
The Apple
From the beginning of the World
God has been in charge
Not you
Not me
We all need
God in our lives
Not only on Sundays
Every day
So please take the Hint
Pray about it
Hopefully you can see
God has always been there
For us
© Robert prezioso