

The Fall Of The Strong
(This is excerpt from my understanding what Depression could be like)

It's in your self-confidence everyone rely to you,
Heaven knows what would happen when it is your time to go,
There, they set a trap! a scam of beauty even you cannot resist,
So you fell into the dark pit, where no one else sees.

Succumbed by your own feeling of losing and distress,
You tried to crawl back to get away from the mess,
To follow the light--feel the warmth of your face,
But...they pushed you to a great fall so deep!

Pitch black of nothingness all you could see,
Laid in the ground is you-- hopeless and terribly weary,
Drowned--, mind screaming seeking for help,
So frightened, hoping to be rescued from a very dear old friend.

Then you heard a rasp voice out of nowhere it came,
In a distance a bit of light bursts, turned into flames,
Emerged is the black shadowed-figure who looked a lot like you,
Arms stretched wide open as if it welcomes you,
You cowered back and hid your face,
So, this strange creature won't see your fears,
But then it grabbed you and put you to sleep,
Brought you into a lifelong slumber and eternal peace.

© melai2020
07.13.21; 1252pm

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