

Cut Wide Open
I'll never forget the day..
Where my life started to decay.....
Why love wouldn't stay.
Or how my life wasn't going my way...

Deep down to my core..
Heart on my sleeves I wore.
Oh how was I torn.....
I never made it through the storm...

It started off as a slit....
The blood oozing out..
Each time I took a hit.....
Cut wide open.
Pressed against my lips..

The darkness taking over.
My vulnerable side having exposure......
Suffocating, not getting the closure..

My pain infected...
Not understanding my perspective.....

Hurting is the new trend...
Feeling became my new best friend..
Even when I wanted my life to end.....
I still had a reason to let myself in.

Thats when the healing begins....
From that day on, I knew my life wasnt ruined..
I had a purpose from being broken.....
from words left unwritten or even spoken.

© Kaylee Applegarth