

Do you remember?
Do you remember, how the stars glistened above that pond of a lake?

Or how silent that night was, when we desperately tried to grab the night sky?

Hoping to hold the cosmos infinite with possibilities.

That small town was a black hole, forever swallowing those who dared, to try and possess the firefly's racing towards the moon.

Even when we spoke the space between ate the words for future suffrage, yet we still spoke loudly in that quiet night.

Yet even now the sky may remain the same, but those silent nights spoke a different rhythm that never could synchronize together.

And when nights turned to dusk, the light brought revelations that none of those words mattered, nor would they ever, quite like they did that night.

....Do you remember, that night, once upon a small town? Where nights lasted forever, days lasted longer, where nothing seemed as if it was do or die? That nothing mattered if no one knew? Status meant nothing when everyone knew the truth?

Yet do you remember those solitary nights? Where nothing mattered but the underlying agonizing thought of never being able to fully grasp the cosmos of our future?

© SaraM