

Drifting Away
I searched and searched yet never found
What made me stand firm on the ground

What made me continue despite all the grief
What made me live life knowing it would be brief

Did I have a reason did I have a goal
Or maybe my purpose was to wander like a dead man's soul

Perhaps I had no passion perhaps I was insane
Perhaps my whole life had always been in vain

Scared by the thought that was now in my head
I tossed and turned all tired in bed

Knowing I'd forget it with the coming of dawn
This heart wrenching feeling would too soon be gone

For my life was purposeless I had always known
I would reap nothing for nothing I had sown

Yet this same old realization was too much for my eyes
Tears shone in the sun which was now on the rise

But with the first drop my consciousness faded
Another trail of dangerous thoughts I'd successfully evaded