

Plans for hell today?
Let's visit hell today,
So we can look at the misfortuned souls and feel better about ourselves
Let's visit hell today
So we can remember where we belong and watch how the flames of eternal damnation burn before our eyes.
So plans for hell today?

Let's visit hell today,
Not because we want to, but because they want us down there
Let's visit hell today
So we can show them how free we are and make them happy
So plans for hell today?

Let's walk down to hell together
And listen to that symphony, yes, the cries of condemned souls having their sins washed away by a pool of burning fire
So what do you say, Plans for hell today?

So how do we go to hell today
Oh I forgot to tell you, we are already there
Dont you see the walls crumbling? Dont you see light's escaping? Font you smell the burning of flesh? I don't want to be here anymore than you do, but that's what they want us to. We are "free"
So plans for hell today?

Credits to @HelzaShine for the inspiration!!

© M.X.M