

Byyond Ages
In twilight's hush, where shadows play,
Two visionaries met, from different days.
Leonardo, Renaissance master of old,
Frida, modern icon, with stories untold.

Leonardo spoke of machines and flight,
Of art and science, intertwined in light.
Frida shared her pain, her heart's dark night,
Her brushstrokes bold, a soul's deep plight.

"Oh, Leonardo," Frida said, "your mind soars high,
While I am grounded, by life's heavy sigh."
"Ah, Frida," Leonardo replied, "your art reveals,
The beauty in suffering, the heart's concealed."

Together they walked, through time's vast space,
Exchanging wisdom, in a silent, sacred place.
Two eras merged, in a dance of the mind,
A conversation timeless, leaving boundaries behind.

In this imagined meeting, we find a spark,
A fusion of creativity, a bridge through the dark.
For though they lived apart, in time and in thought,
Their art and souls connected, forever caught.

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