

Battle with self.
If only wishes can come true,
I have one or two or maybe a few,
And they're all about you, yes you,
Because you are the greatest battlefield.

If only I could make you feel wanted,
I have one or two things,
Or maybe a few,
To make known to you, yes you,
Because I have a love for your heart,
Else I could not be tracing this lines.

If only I could make you feel good,
I have one request,
To make known to you, yes you,
Because you are the greatest gift,
A bright gem given me,
Else I could not be thinking of you.

Dear self,
I am willing to make your wishes,
Come true.
I am willing to make you,
Happy for life.
I am willing to make your;
Dime a dozens chills,
Turned to diamond's worth.
I am willing to pay attention;
To everything, to everything,
That you intreat of me.
I am willing to make you,
The greatest of what you desire,
I am more than willing ,
To fulfill double your heart's desires.

But dear self,
You are annoying, you are deceiving
You are heartbreaking,
You are exacting, you are agonizing.
And what's more, you are enjoying it.
Of that which you desire,
You are deliberate,
Knowing I am way far from it.

You make me lie,
You make me kill,
You make me covet,
You make me steal,
You make me jealous,
You make me envious,
Of those that you have lived in.
Because you are not you,
But someone else,
Living someone's else's life in me.

You make me your Idol.
You toss me here and there,
Untill I am injured,
But you say you don't care.
You make me submit to your wishes, Your foul wishes, even when,
I am unsure of the consequences,
Better still, you are enjoying it.

When I cannot help but break down,
You lift me up,
And that's the only help,
I've known of you.
After that, you cheer me on,
To self-destruction.
You are so self-centered,
That you don't realize,
How much harm you are causing me.

You have led me into wickedness,
I no longer value anyone around me,
I do not see the essence,
In other people.
I hate people, and then,
I hate 'me' more.
All I think about, is you,
And then I am disillusioned.

I am longing for the day you will grow,
To find out that you have been,
Loading hard on me.
I am longing for the time,
You will realize that life is not,
What it really looks like.
I am meditating over the fact that,
One day, you will wake up to know,
Reality versus expectation,
Are far from each other,
As East is from the West.

But my most fervent prayer,
Dear self, is, you learn to apologise.
I am looking forward to seeing you,
Apologise for being enstranged to me.
Apologise for being alienated from me.
And then I will love you,
And make peace with my past.

I am looking forward to seeing you,
Cheer me with realities,
And not expectations.
Cheer me with realities,
And I will be glad to serve you,
Without being fatigued.
Cheer me with realities,
And I will fulfill all your wishes.
Cheer me with realities,
And then you will know,
That you are wanted by me,
That you are treasured among many,
By me.

Cheer me with realities,
And you will live happily, hereafter.
