

A Love Ache is Like A Tooth Ache
A love ache is like a tooth ache...
its a never ending pain..
sure it will settle down...
but nothing is going to change...
it will always be screaming your name..
making you go insane.
hurting you so bad..
that it brings you to your knees...

A love ache is like a tooth ache..
your going through the same torture...
making you break..
losing your faith.
hell it all comes together for sure...
having to suffer for years...
waiting to get better..
but the worst is yet to fear.
still in tears..
as another day is wasted...
still in pain..
but some how you got to face it....

A love ache is like a tooth ache..
it resembles eachother in some ways...
a tooth ache will get better..
but a love ache is here to stay.

© Kaylee Applegarth