

A colorful butterfly,
enjoy life at the fullest.
Tasted the sweetness and dancing
from flower to flower.
They admiring me, because of my
special colors. I wanted to find my other
halve, with the same colorpatterns on his wings.
I will recordnize him, and he me, even as we are
strangers, on the same colours that we wear.

But I'm human,
and this is just a metaphore.
I try to explain,
how it felt to find someone who is making
your life complete. The same soul colors,
with the same patterns in it.
Two souls with one thought.
Souls that are flowing over in each other,
became as one. That's how it felt.
When you find the one that's meanted to be.

And together, you are like two strong butterfly's
that spreading out their little wings, and fly to
when they wanted to. To enjoy life in al his facets,
what can go wrong when you two are together,
side by side. Found each other you where both
looking for the missing part. Together you are
complete. And follow your way, a yourney for
you both, and the love for each other will always
stay, pure and true love will never go away.