

By the light of the sun,
You come into my life,
You don't know me,
But you hold me like a love one,
When everyone left me,
You stay there for me.

When the time didn't with us,
You were there to say," it'll be okay",
And smile to only assured me,
You were there when everything is bad,
You're the only thing is going good.

I was tried of fighting but,
You held me like a protecter shield,
And with your back,
I hold till to the end,
You're so much more than I cannot,
Say to you,
You're someone that's more enough,
And enough, for anything.

It's like a gift that day,
When you come into life,
You understand me, hold me,
Feel my pain and I am grateful for everything.

follow if you like it❤️


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