

Cosmic Twins
Greetings mortal

We stumble across your star when we saw a glimpse

Like a portal

Twinkling from afar as we sang our hypnotic hymn.

We love invading thoughts and creating images

By playing games such as finishing each other's sentences.

Oh beautiful beam of life gifted richness given at birth

From concentric circles of cascades full of mass and girth.

They're not as developed as we may think.

Now that you mention—

Rudimentary indeed, don't you see?

The whole conception is a message congested in two dimensions

While one perceive never before seen scenes

The other is divine intervention.

We watched your planet tilt on its axis for cold and hot states

Realms like our are morbid and contorted in distorted liquid space

Implicitly blinking through the stars at an astronomical pace

From voiceless arcipluvian voids disappearing without a trace.

Titles seem to give significance, will you do the same?

We've roamed aimlessly given through boredom, without a name.

Silent storm burning from the heart of the eternal flame

Stays the same, kindled through cold wins, snow, and rain.

How about we change things up, do you object?

Only if I can start it off, allow me to reflect.

Interconnecting stars held together via heliocentric cosmology reflecting ultraviolet waves in communion fusion biology. Turbulence expands beyond your capability to sense or feel layered critically and birth a variety of atmospheres, bundled together gravities of clusters as a galaxy. Silence is space, we are like kinetic photo galleries.

What an intriguing source of clarity, an everlasting analogy.

polarity gases from explosive singularities.

To the mourning of a gravitational implosion to a dead star from supernova explosions supersedes beyond your realm of astrophysics from a star ocean notion, we simply speak it into existence like electrostatic equilibrium convolution so bizarre was born from interstellar clouds and dust to hear forming a star.

Thermo energy hydrogen and helium hyper pressure

Vocalize molecular spheroid nebula beyond measure.

Aren't stars the best? We split them at its most intricate

Since we're on the topic, what state is your thermonuclear synthesis?

Once it's done exhausting it's atomic nuclear fuel

It transmogrifies to a dwarf right after the core has cooled.

Thankfully they're oblivious to most of our metabolous,

That's all encompassed in both a para and hyperbolas.

What you see looking forward is the same thing from behind

In turn contorts perspectively, complexity in time.

Cosmic Twins, roaming on a planet consisting of men

Watching your body crumble as your mind slips into madness.

Do you see it, do you hear it?
Can't you feel it, it's a seraph,

Near the celestial pole you'll find our image.

As we split it, conventional edge and we're it's spirits.

We've weaved the galaxy and everything you've seen within it.

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#creativespace #imagination #multiplepersonality