

My broken dream

Do you ever get a feeling
That though you are alive
Your soul is lost.
That all others around you are so happy,
But you...
Just Breathing, Watching and thinking
That all your life is of no cost.

They say...
Do only one task,
Which is to follow your heart.
But ,
My heart is broken into millions of pieces?
Which piece to follow... I ask.

You can't see this hell that I am all broken
Because all I do is - laugh.
As I don't want you to notice it.
You know...
It's not always the tear which measures the pain,
It's the smile that we fake.
But I am still screaming for you to save me.
And inside,
I am still crying in front of you to help me.

When you use to ask- " What are you doing?"
I usually say - "I am busy."
Yes i was busy,
But not in that way what you understood.
I was busy, taking deeper breaths.
I was busy, silencing irrational thoughts.
I was busy, calming a racing heart.
I was busy telling myself- "Yes, I am ok."
Because l have forgotten my dream;
Broken and Unseen.
And now,
I am walking on this empty street
On the boulevard of My Broken Dream.
Yes, my broken dream.

© Auradeus