

I have crossed the wall and stand on the other side, I have crossed a great ad wide open divide. I cast my gaze back over the gulf I have traveled. I shout back across to the souls who on the other side stand baffled. I tell them there is more to life than rocks and gravel.

All around me are trees and vegetation. Life like nothing any human has ever dreamed of with any sort of wild speculation. The branches glow and the sky dances. The stars sing and the sun prances. Here in the garden I sit with God and Jesus. There are Angels all around us singing hymns and praises.

All the souls who I left ton the other side of the wall. They tell my I'm crazy and there is nothing at all. They cant see the trees or the sky. They cant see our Lord Jesus Christs as he walks by. All they can see is the land of rocks. The land of boulders and man made clocks.

My love for them grows as I try to tell them. But they turn away from me hardening their hearts with abandon. I with my Lord Jesus Christ and God, want to bestow this heaven upon them. But who is listening, and who can hear? The souls who have crossed the divide with great faith, effort, and will.

I testify that if you seek Jesus and the Truth of God you will find them andthe truth of God. First the truth will astound and amaze you. Then it will shock you, and it will break apart all that you think you know. Then you will find your true self, and that you are standing in heaven with Jesus, God, and the Angels of light. Pray for truth. The truth always sets you free. I say these things in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Amen

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© Zakary Reif - JustasK -
Photo by Ian Cylkowski on Unsplash