

why !!! did you.!!.?. why!!!?
I cry as anger fills me inside my thoughts give way to culpable homicide leaving a feeling in me of just wanting to die why?

In the end completely contrived your plan your mission to
destroy I !!! ....why!!!? leave me alive !!?
to see all what you had to hide it would have been more humane after 15 years to kill me than to bare witness of your transgressions and was it all worth it one night of lust when you add the cost of the ones who sufferd most at the extent of your endevors oh but there was not to be a cost you never considered a loss because I was to stupid to see you were lost so the coin you tossed so let's inventory what was to be our love story
15 years wasted myself destroyed
our daughters suicide I think that's enough to say where's your family!!!? you did this while you still share the last name of me
I hope it was the best you ever had but I'm guessing it was pretty sad for one night of lust you tossed us under the bus never thought twice as you started spinning lies well take a good look at your handy work thanks for the love and respect not sure if you noticed but you have given yourself the same respect as I... None
© David Barrett

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