

Change the mirror!
Why and what makes you
Forget the bright side of someone?
Yes! they have messed up! But why
And what makes you forget the
bright side of the wall? No human purely
is flawlessness, but from next-door a
bleeding hand one moment reached out
To silence your cry in when you were
in deepest darkness, with comfort.
What happened with the bright side?
Pride turned and twisted intellect, only
Dark side memories to recall and glorify!
Tree leaves greeny and stunning, and in
glorification of present memories, pride
Washed away good past memories, but
those were the best one to glorify!
Roots crying from ground asking the leaves what the
Light looks and feels like but leaves pride
Had turned them deaf and built a wall between.
Roots never turned evil, but time came roots
Off colour and bit the dust, the deceiving
Acuity fleed from and mocked the leaves.
It's a great agony, leaves left in tears
© Lufuno Nefox