

"A Breath of Pause"
In the midst of turmoil's roar,
I find a moment's peaceful shore,
A single breath, a pause so fine,
Between the chaos and the calm's design.

Inhale, the world's din and strife,
Exhale, the quietude of life,
A fleeting instant, pure and still,
A refuge from the tempest's will.

In this brief pause, I find my center,
A sense of calm, my soul's surrender,
The world's noise fades, its wild dissonance,
As I breathe in the silence's essence.

Like a drop of water, pure and clear,
This single breath dispels my fear,
A tiny haven, a moment's grace,
A pause between the chaos and the calm's embrace.

So let me cherish this breath of peace,
This fleeting calm, this world's release,
For in its stillness, I find my strength,
A sense of hope, a new beginning's length.